Useful information bits for my international friens and network.

09 July 2011

In Madrid (English)

METASYSTEME COACH TRAINING IN MADRID:  Just like in Paris, but in English!  Starting January 2012, we will offer a "Fundamentals of Coaching Mastery" course: an ICF validated ACSTH on systemic coaching.  Later in the year, we will gradually offer the rest of the Measysteme Coach Academy procgram. 

And yes, this program is directly proposed by Metasysteme, at Metasysteme prices, with Metasysteme's online administration:  As usual, your word of mouth will help this project succeed, so do not hesitate to inform all your Spanish friends.

In Hamburg (English)

WORKSHOP IN HAMBURG, "Risk Management / Cubes Exercise": A two-day workshop in English on any or all short-term or long-term, individual and collective, personal and professional, project, life, leadership, management, patterns.  A simple, practical tool that truly illustrates the creative depth of systemic coaching.

In Bucharest (English)

FULL COACH TRAINING PROGRAM IN BUCHAREST: A fundamental of Coaching Mastery in September, an another in January, a workshop in the fall and more next year, and a ongoing one-day-per-month supervision group all year.  This Bucharest (English language) program has been rolling since 2005 and you can consult the dates and prices on :

ANOTHER BOOK TO BE PUBLISHED: (Romanian version of a book published in France) Expected for the end of September, an annotated dictionary of systemic coaching terms and definitions.  Every definition is a proposal to stretch your perspectives on coaching, management and reality.

In Paris (French)

METASYSTEME IS REALLY MOVING:  That is obvious to most, but in this case, we are moving our home-office.  Metasysteme's new location is at: 50 rue Rambuteau, 75003, PARIS, France. That is on the Place du Musée George Pompidou.  Google map:  We'll be opening crates this August.

CONFERENCE FOR THE SFCOACH  October 11, I will present my reflexions on the Inner Edge of Coaching", where the most performing innovation in coaching is taking place.  The SFCOACH is the French Society of Coaches, a local professional association. The conference location will be posted on

CONFERENCE ON COACHING  January 12 at the Forum 104, on Presence without intention and other themes developed in my latest book: "L'art Véritable du Maître Coach" published i France by InterEdition.  Forum 104, 104 rue de Vaugirard, 75006, Paris. (And if you want to order the French book) :

In Liège (French)

SUPERVISION CYCLE: Pour nos amis du Nord et dès janvier 2012, ne pas oublier de réserver les dates, puis de s'inscrire à la rentrée...

AND... have an excellent vacation.  See you in the fall.

Coachingly yours