The Conspirational Program
Entrepreneurial Skills for Leaders and Developers

Release your Instincts, Achieve your Ambitions, Expand your Life

This breakthrough eight day behavioral training and coaching program is specifically tailored for internal and external entrepreneurs and leaders.  It is designed to accompany them over a year’s period of time while they focus on releasing their potentials and instincts to achieve their ambitions and successfully expand their personal and professional lives.

Entrepreneurial Skills for Leaders

Being an entrepreneur is developing an ambitious colletive professional project which will create original value for society.

Entrepreneurship is the art of leading a dynamic professional environment within which you, your partners and your employees can:

take initiatives and responsibilities, feel empowered enough to take measured personal and professional risks, learn and grow, develop autonomy, experiment new performance solutions, and generally increase organizational value by focusing on achieving extraordinary value and results.

Entrepreneurship also rests on a number of specific skills to :

offer unprecedented products or services, develop lasting partnerships, manage time effectively, increase reactivity to market variations, lead an effective and durable work environment, develop responsibility, permit  people-development, provide lasting quality, consolidate individual and collective engagement and motivatio, strengthen company culture, ensure client fidelity, control costs, etc.  

These lists are long. 

Effective entrepreneurship, however is not just about tasks but principally a way of being. Being an entrepeneur rests on specific leadership values and beliefs, frames of reference, thinking and feeling patterns, etc.  These determine behavioral patterns which lead to results. Simply stated, entrepreneurship is not just a job but principally a way of life.

The Metasysteme Coaching “Conspirational Program” provides a learning and development environment within which participants can first develop their personal entrepreneurial   profile awareness and then learn activate the needed achievement-oriented competencies.

Each of the four consecutive workshops of the Conspirational Program is focused on one specific dimension of entrepreneurship.  These workshops are all intensely participative and focused on providing both collective learning and personalized coaching within a  dynamic developemental environment.

Personal Focus

The first workshop is focused on developing your entrepreneurial identity or way of being.  It is taylored to accompany each participant as they evaluate and come to grips with their personal success patterns and limits, professional life beliefs, motivational and behavioral patterns, key ambition. time management patterns, ethics and values, etc.  Participants will also have the opportunity to intensively focus on the essential value and meaning of their entrepreneurial projects and ventures.

Performance Interfacing

No-one is an island.  Professionnal results are a direct consequence of a leader's or entrepreneur's capacity to create solid one-on-one relationships with officials,  employees, partners, suppliers, and  competitors. This second workshop provides a learning environment focused on the acquisition of  key skills for entrepreneurs to choose the right partners for the right reasons, develop powerful success-oriented relationships and negociate solid and sustainable agreements.     Learning will include intense practice of essential results-oriented communication skills.

Team Development

Successful entrepreneurship is knowing how to transform an intimately personal vision and ambition into a performing collective organization.  Designing and accompanying effective teams is a key condition to achieve extraordinary success.  This workshop is focused on the acquisition of tools and skills to develop the high performance teams within which all members can personally engage their motivation and competencies ito achieve extraordianry collective results.

Strategic Awareness

Ultimately, entrepreuneurial performance rests on an instinctive capacity to be aware of the bigger picture, be part of extended external networks, be one with the larger environment.  This fourth workshop is focused on providing leaders with practical strategic thinking and Systems Analysis tools to provide them with a practical form and performing options to effectively  use their instinctive perceptions within global complexity.

FOR WHOM:   This program concerns all existing and potential entrepreneurial leaders who wish to

  • learn how to better use and deploy their personal potential and
  • acquire performing strategies and tools to realize one or more ambitious projects. 

Ideally, participants in this workshop are all key developers of new and original ventures within which they wish to apply their learning during the program intercessions.

To enhance practical applications and on the job follow-up between sessions, we strongly recommend grouped enrollment of active partners whenever these are developing joint ventures.

PROCESS:   This action oritneted developement program for entrepreneurs and leaders consists of four two-day workshops for a total of eight days spread over a year’s period of time.  Again, the structure of this program constitutes a relatively complete learning environment focused both on creating new personal awareness and delivering behavioural proficiency in key skills and strategies. 

The program is delivered in English, with numerous practical exercises which can be worked in Romanian sub-groups. It is proposed as a medium-term learning process with intensive on-the-job homework and practice between the sessions within learning groups and with (optional) individual coaching (for an extra fee).

Again, the program is conceived both as

  • a transformational experience led by experienced coaches and as
  • a practical collective behavioural training environment focused on acquiring skills or know-how.

The participants will be asked to work on their real-life situations, and will be expected to implement their learning within their professional environments to ensure the success of their professional projects and ventures.

This program is delivered by Alain Cardon, Master Certified Coach validated by the International Coach Federation.  He has been providing individual and team coaching in Romania since 1998.  He is accompanied by trained and certified local coaches. 

The Conspirational Program is based on an exclusive and protected training process designed and delivered by the Metasysteme Coach Academy.

When: 9:00 am-6:00pm

Where: In Bucharest, Romania

Tarif: Per participant, 3 400 € plus TVA, including breaks and lunch.

When:  Please consult our AGENDA 2008-2009 Romanian page, (link below) for programmed dates.

To Consult our programmed dates:


I PERSONAL FOCUS: Setting the Foundation

2-day behavioural training workshop

Presentation: Inclusion of participants, of training and coaching staff.Training process presentation and introduction to the eight-day learning environment and peer groups learning principles.   Definition of the learning groups operating processes based on communication tools, delegation and dialogue strategies.
Progressive introduction to each work theme and practice within triangular learning groups:Objectives:
  • Evaluate your potentials and mobilize your personal resources,
  • Understand and reshape personal achievement and patterns
  • Lay out professional belief systems as potential ressources for success
  • Acquire key listening and communication skills to refocus personal assets
  • Evaluate and activate entrepreneurial identity
  • Define personal motivation, goals, limits, timelines, processes
  • etc.

Intensive practical clarification and experimenting will be achieved by each participant in a collective exercise and within learning groups.

Each participant will set goals to implement the newly acquired skills within their professional settings, with deadlines.

  • Definition of target situations and people to apply new awareness and practice skills between the sessions.   
  • Targeting professional situations where the application of learned tools can prove useful or effective
  • Establishing agendas of peer-group follow-up dates and reality checking.
  • Connecting with the pool of individual coaches for possible inter-session needs.

II PERFORMANCE INTERFACING: Developing Solid Partneships

2-day behavioural training workshop

Inclusion of the participants, training process presentation. 
Revisit of inter-session on-the-job work and experimenting and implementing. Presentation of session's context and objectives.
Definition of work groups (partners and observer roles), operating process.


Practical and progressive introduction to each communication and partnering skill and tool:  Each technique will be extensively practiced by each participant in small groups, during five to ten-minute sequences.  While acquiring the tools, participants will focus on the following:

  • The art of choosing the right partners, for the right reasons
  • The use of communication tools in accompanied dialogues.
  • The use of questions focused on facilitating emerging solutions.
  • Use of questions to enlarge transform operational frames of reference.
  • Focus on processes rather than on the content of a problem, project, situation or objective.
  • The art of establishing solid, lasting agreements.
  • Etc.


The above skills are very powerful tools to be used during negotiations, personnel evaluations, hiring, mentoring, and all other one-on-one personal and professional relationships,  This segment of the training process calls for intensive practice by each of the participants.

  • Specific goal setting for on-the-job implemention and peer-group practice between the sessions.

III TEAM DEVELOPMENT: Designing Conspirational Teams

2-day behavioural training workshop

Inclusion of the participants,
Revisit of on-the-job experimenting and implementing between the sessions.  Presentation of training process focused on teams and practiced within learning teams. 
Design and definition of the work teams and of their operating structure and process.


Practical and progressive introduction to each tool:  Each skill or technique are extensively practiced by the participants within learning teams, during 30-minute sequences.

  • Team empowerment and delegation processes
  • Team time management
  • Designing performing team rhythms.
  • Team performance indicators, follow up and team coaching and mentoring
  • Team focus on results and breakthrough strategies
  • Developing team commitment
  • Transversality and developing powerful team synergy
  • Teams as learning environments to ensure people developement and engagement
  • Organizational culture developement


Complementary issues can be covered and coached:

  • Diagnosing and increasing team performance ,
  • Positive team processes and negative « games » in teams,
  • Team decision making, meeting agreements and meeting time management.
  • Implementing decisions, team contracts, project contracts.
  • Internal and external systemic team processes
  • Specific goal setting for on-the-job implementing and peer-group learning between the sessions.
  • Contracting for possible team-coaching between the sessions.

IV STRATEGIC AWARENESS: Networking With the Environment

2-day behavioural training workshop

Inclusion of the participants, training process definition.
Revisit on-the-job experimenting and practice between the sessions
Presentation of Strategic thinking and Systemic approach.  Definition of work teams and establishing their operating processes.


Practical and progressive introduction to each tool:  Each technique will be extensively practiced by each participant in learning teams during 30-minute sequences and withing smaller learning triads.

  • Observing environmental indicators and patterns,
  • Understanding and using systemic thinking to develop useful networks within the environment
  • Designing and implementing paradoxical strategies and analogic communication with the environment
  • Developing and feeding strategic networks 
  • Strategic choices of “high” and “low” positions for entrepreneurs. 

Each skill technique will be extensively practiced by participants

THEMES : Some complementary themes can be covered :

  • Presentation of systems approach principles as they apply to organization management. 
  • Introduction to systemic supervision for the manager.
  • The scapegoat process, family constellations, systemic games in systems.
  • Using projective approaches to understand contextual information 
  • Space management (Gestalt), time management (future projections).
  • Triangulation.


  • Follow up individual and team coaching options

ATTENDANCE AWARDS for full participation and completion