RISK MANAGEMENT (Cubes) Coaching Workshop, JAN 26-27 2026
For Leaders, managers and Systemic Coaches: How to fundamentally reconsider your personal and team risk-management patterns and professional processes, with the ''Cubes Exercise''.

  • Reference :
  • Standard price : 2500 € Plus VAT if applicable
  • Early bird price : 1400 € Plus VAT if applicable
  • Quantity :

ON LOCATION, in Bucharest.  A two-day practical workshop for entrepreneurs, leaders, managers, coaches, consultants.  Two intense days of exploration, and preparation on how to radically change personal and corporate frames of reference as to the way you, individuals, teams and organizations set goals and achieve their results. 

The workshop is designed around a goal-setting and achievement exercice that reveals individual and collective risk-management strategies and processes.  It has been successfully used to accompany risk management developement for airline pilots, bankers, entrepreneurs, sales forces, high potential sports champions, etc.  Be prepared to actively participate.   This program allows for 14 ICF CCE hours.

Outcomes:  The participants will:

  • Explore and revisit their current risk-management process in their goal-setting and achievements, in the fields and dimensions of their choice.
  • Get firsthand experiencial learning on the effects of comparative benchmarking, competition, rewards, recognition, peer pressure, hierarchy, etc. on risk management and results.
  • Know which limiting personal and corporate beliefs, behavior patterns, processes and procedures need to be modified or replaced to achieve better risk management and more satisfactory results. 
  • Acquire a practical tool by which they can accompany their teams, organizations and clients to reconsider how they manage risk (or non-risk) to achieve better financial, growth, quality, safety, etc. results in a very short period of time.
  • Reconsider their frames of reference as to why and how some people, teams and organizations overachieve, or yearly develop by 20% or more.
  • Learn criteria that can allow them to better manage or coach projects, careers, business ventures, sales teams, or any situation focused on achieving goals.
  • Develop the appropriate posture to accompany individual, team and organizational clients while they design and implement success patterns to become the performance benchmarks in their own fields.

NOTE: Participants who attend as partners, couples and core teams can explore the above dimenstions within their personal and professionnal systems.

Basic understanding of management and coaching is necessary as this workshop will not train to the fundamentals of management or coaching posture and tools.

Professional coach participants wil be provided with an extensive text describing the protocol to use the proposed risk management tool with their corporate clients in coaching, consulting or training contexts.  Use of the tool is totally free of rights.

On a more personal note, these two days are about both personal life development and professional and career cycles.  About the essential learning themes each of our past and future decade can reserve.   This workshop is focused on major life transitions or passages or how we transform as we grow and mature over time.  It helps reveal systemic patterns and instinctive strategies in how we interface with our partners, teams and families, in how we collaborate and compete with ourselves and with others, in order to push limits and grow potentials.  The two days offer a creative arena to revisit our past priorities and achievements in order to envision more pertinent or satisfactory futures.  They allow strategic decision-making to grow, develop, achieve our desired qualitative and quantitative results… 

In short: this two days transformational workshop is structured around some theory, a very powerful and surprising analogical exercise, personal introspective work, interpersonal sharing, and some theory on how to accompany clients in the same type of personal and professional exploration.

NOTE the reduced price posted on the right concerns payment made by internet and paid in full prior to the event.  You will be provided with an invoice at time of puchase, and a certificate of attendance at the conclusion of the event.
  • Trainer: Alain Cardon MCC, foremost internationally recognized specialist on team coaching.
  • Price:  2500 € (+VAT)/person/2days of training
, except for early bird paid in full 15 days prior to the event: 1400€ + VAT
  • Dates:        January 26-27, 2026  
    9:00 am to 6:00 pm       
  • Location: Bucharest
  • Attendance: Maximum 20 (extensive practical work in sub-groups)
Certification:  International Coach Federation validated training (ACSTH) for coaches
Registration for Romanian nationals
pdf To download a document on the Cubes/Risk management workshop
To contact our administration in Bucharest