Metasysteme Systemic Coach and ICF LEVEL2 training
International Coach Federation ''Accredited Coach Specific Training Hours'' Validation and Metasysteme Systemic Coach certification

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The LEVEL II (ICF) ACC-PCC Systemic Coach Training Program

The full program presented below:

  • Is personally and professionally transformational, and can therefor concern all professionals and individuals who wish to enlarge perspectives, deepen their authentic relationships, boost their careers
  • Covers the acquisition of coaching skills and validated-training hours (ICF) both in individual (life or business) coaching and in team and organizational coaching.

This 147-hour(+) individual and team-coach training adventure is composed of three sub-programs that can be followed over several years, as each participant acquires field experience.  To present for ACC certification, one must accumulate a hundred hours of field experience, and for PCC, five hundred.  This comprehensive adventure is divided in three separate components to allow participants to manage their progression over time as they acquire experience and clients, develop their professional skills and maturity, and expand their practice.

This design also allows participants who already have coach training and experience to choose the component (s) that best suits their needs, by just attending Parts I, II, or III over several years. The program components can also be attended in the order one considers best for their specific professional purpose.  A prior conversation with one of our professionals is always useful to sort out your preferences.

Consequently, Each of the components or sub-programs presented below are also separately eligible to acquire ICF-validated training hours, for coaches who wish to accumulate CCEUs hours to renew their certification while deepening their systemic-coaching skills.  Again, please consult us for details.

I The SYSTEMIC COACHING FUNDAMENTALS - individual life and business coaching

63 hours spread over 4 months, plus intense practice hours between the participants including 7 hours of individual mentoring.  Partly online partly on location.

A foundational program on systemic coaching, focused on acquiring very practical behavioral skills through intense practice.  By the end of this program, assiduous students have usually accumulated more than 40 hours of practice in a coaching mode.  They know how to coach with a systemic perspective and the eight ICF competencies, and are ready to start their career in order to pass ACC certification once they fill the requirements (consult the ICF website as these evolve yearly). 

For managers who wish to develop performing management skills, for beginning coaches, and for more advanced professionals who wish to acquire a solid systemic-coaching foundation.  
Program created in 2007 and has been delivered in Romania, France, Spain, Latin America, Middle East.

TO Consult program, dates and prices

TO Consult program, dates and prices

II The METACOACH Systemic Team and organizational-Coach training

63 hours spread over 4 months, plus intense practice hours between the participants including 21-hours of team-coach supervision.  Totally online

Through intense practice in and between sub-teams composed of participants, this program is more specifically focused on acquiring behavioral skills in order to coach the deep complexity of teams. extension, organizational coaching.  By the end of this program, assiduous students will have practiced working in a developing team, will have practiced coaching with performing team skills, and  skills will have coached other teams and have been supervised as a team-coach.  They know how to team-coach and be ready to pass ICF ACTC (team-coaching) certification and, with the Systemic Coaching Fundamentals presented above, have the needed training hours to present for PCC certification.

For entrepreneurs, managers and coaches.  Optionally, networks of professionals and core-teams of up to 6 people routinely attend as a group in order to launch or consolidate a common team project.  Oftentimes also, participants choose to continue working together as a network or team for up to a year following their completion of the program.
Program created in 2005 and redesigned in 2020, delivered in Romania, France, Latin America.

TO Consult program, dates and prices


Three consecutive 7-hour days, sometimes all on-location, sometimes all online

Typically in supervision, trained managers and coaches come practice their skills with other professionals in order to enlarge, deepen and professionalize their coaching skills through practice supervised by a proven professionnal; In this case with Alain Cardon who borders over 20 000 hours of field practice over five continents. 

This supervision marathon can be attended anytime after attending Either of the programs above and before presenting for certification.

The three days of collective supervision and mentoring can procure participants with three hours of individual mentoring.

TO Consult Supervision program, dates and prices
  • Mentors external to Metasysteme-Coaching can be suggested, price not included.
  • ICF exams not included, and can also be passed outside of Metasysteme-Coaching.
MIDDLE EAST, Special Online Programs:  By Rares Manolescu, the " Systemic Coaching Fundamentals "  for Middle-East and international corporate Entrepreneurs, Managers and Coaches:

And for LATIN AMERICA, in Chile and online programs delivered by Claude Arribas. 