2010, A new year and new decade

07 January 2010

My very dear friends

I wish you each an excellent new year.  One that will provide you and your close ones with the proverbial lasting true love, smashing success, and blatantly good health.  May it also provide you daily with those more subtle and apparently insignificant details that actually transform life into a continuous celebration.  
I also want to thank you deeply.  For being there, for accompanying me and my work, for travelling together on this great coaching adventure and be active witnesses to individual, team and organizational growth.   More importantly, focusing on human development starts with each one of us in our most immediate and intimate personal environments.  So have a very enriching year and thank you.

Geanina and I were on ski slopes in the French Alps on new year's day.  On January fourth, however, I was already back in the grind, leading a workshop on how to coach risk management.  So we were rapidly back into active life.  This year I am enchanted by the perspective that for me, 2010 will be a European year.  Like last year, we will live mostly between Paris and Bucharest and often travel to Brussels and Madrid.  A few trips to Berlin and to Milan are already planned for the spring, and other horizons are opening up.  We'll let you know more as soon as these projects get confirmed


Online developements

You may not have noticed:  Online payment is possible for all for our French language coach training and supervision provided by Metasysteme.   We are still improving the service, as there are the usual initial glitches. I hope it will add simplicity and speed to our service. The Metasysteme website is gradually becoming an efficient support platform, thanks to www.web-site-manager.fr .  Once the French system works, we will consider extending online payment to our international activity.

Concerning the Metasysteme website, November 2009 statistics from Google Analystics show 4 771 visits, an average time of 3 minutes per visitor originating from 92 different countries. 12 525 pages were consulted that month (an average of 2,63 pages per visitor).  About one third of these visits concerned the site's English language pages.  For that interest in the Metasysteme perspective on coaching, again, I thank you.


A growing portion of the visits to the Metasysteme website are referred by Linkedin.  On and off, I am active on that network, as I participate in some dialogues and discussions and  sometimes input my own articles and reflexions.  If you are a Linkedin user,  do hot hesitate to contribute reactions, comments and questions on the "Metasysteme Coach Community" group (search for Metasysteme in "Groups").  I hope that network will gradually become a dynamic sharing platform for all who are involved with Metasysteme systemic coaching in Europe and elsewhere.


I still don't have a book project for publication in English, as I still have no English publisher. If you know of one who may be interested, please do let me know.  In the meanwhile, I have a new French book project for which I am waiting approval, and a Romanian translation of another book is in the works.   In English, I have been writing a number of new texts that are posted on the website, including one that is still getting a lot of attention on the particularities of true-blue coaching presence and how it is foundational to all other coach ltools and techniques: https://www.metasysteme.eu/english/toolboxes-systemic-coaching-posture-and-process/  This text is getting much attention.

Berlin, Germany

Concerning coaching presence as the one and unique foundation for all other coaching tools and techniques, I will be delivering two workshops in Berlin this spring.  These are both ACSTH ICF-validated Metasysteme systemic coach training workshops.  Do come and focus on the essentials of how to be present to yourself, to your clients and to life, in the first two-day event, and then discover how that permits the emergence of powerful tools to accompany major shifts in perspectives, in the second.  These two very practical workshops are intensive behavioral training environments and will take place on March 25-26 and April 12-13.  For more information and to register, contact Christina Quirin at : https://www.cq-kommunikation.com/news.html and please let other people know about these workshops, should you think they could profit from them.

Milan, Italy

You may not want to miss the ICF Italia annual conference March 16 & 17.  I am honored to have been asked to deliver a keynote speech there, in keeping with their challenging theme, "The Avant Garde of Coaching".  Some questions I intend to cover:

  • How can the origins of coaching still provide us with insights on the limits of our profession today and suggest important avenues for developing coaching in the future? 
  • We all say that the frame of reference of coaching is fundamentally different from the heritages of expertise or therapy. How can we continue to better refine the specific coaching paradigm and establish means to really practice what we preach? 
  • What does team coaching, organization coaching and other less widespread forms of shadow coaching reveal about mainstream one-on-one coaching? 
  • What are some implicit individual coaching processes, beliefs and value systems that we are not willing to question or reconsider and how may that be limiting our own development and our client growth? 

These questions will be answered with a resolutely systemic perspective, and come  prepared to participate.  For more information and to register: https://www.icf-italia.org

France and Romania

Incidentally, on January 23, I am also delivering a workshop on "The Elegance of Emergence in Coaching" in the Northern France ICF conference in Lille.   The conference theme is "The Esthetics of Coaching", so I couldn't resist.  This year's French regional conference program is particularily attractive.  To  consult the offer and register: https://www.metasysteme.fr/francais/actualites/l-esthetique-du-coaching.html  For more information on my activities in France, please consult my French Newsletter and webpage: https://www.metasysteme.fr/francais/newsletters/, and for the same in Romania, please consult the Romanian equivalent: https://www.metasysteme-coaching.ro/romana/newsletters/.

Coach supervision

The English and French Supervision Cycle in Brussels is transitioning this January, and there is room to enroll if you feel that the time is right for you.   The work is in either language or in both, depending on each participant's wishes and needs.  The program is on the Metasysteme website, and don't hesitate to contact me for more information:  https://www.metasysteme.eu/english/metacoach-systemic-supervision-cycle/
Voila! That's all for now.  Except that again, I wish you the best in 2010, along with continuous, fluffy, soft and warm tenderness, and much more when appropriate or needed.  And again, thank you for your support and interest in my personal way of contributing to this profession that we all hold so close to our hearts and souls.