Dear friends,
Just back from a trip to Mauritius Island for a week of rest and recreation, sun and sea, getting tanned silly, reading three no-brain novels, overindulging in massages and sleeping off months of stressful transitioning. I strongly recommend the experience. And now, we are back in Romania, and I'm getting my mind and heart ready for a three-day team-coaching stint with a new corporate client. But having had this first taste of summer vacation, my energy has definitely shifted.
With a little more perspective on the past few months, today feels like we're finally coming out of a year of deep and thorough transformational process. Our house in Southern France will be sold in August: all our belongings has been either thrown away or moved out and stored, patiently waiting for our next Parisian home. I am astonished at the amount of stuff we have accumulated over the years, and the ease with which we have let it go.
A new publisher has just accepted my next book project, and I am to hand it in at the end of August. A new assistant is taking over the administrative work in my French company, and should be operational for September. A good number of new corporate clients are lined up for exciting in-depth coaching work starting September. Our health issues are being resolved to confirm once again that everything that seems "out there" is also internal, in our minds, our bodies and our souls.
And all this is just the tip of the iceberg, simply illustrating the major internal changes we have been preparing in the course of the past year and actively implementing in the last few months. Consequently, my current state of mind is appreciative of the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel, the straight road after the numerous bumpy curves, the fresh air after a year of stormy personal and professional weather.
So considering that I have regularly shared my experience over the years, i am now very happy to communicate the fact that all our personal and professional indicators seem to be pointing in the right direction to an exciting and very constructive future. All lights are turning to green. Again, I thank you all for your flawless support.
Next year's agenda coaching individual, team and organizational clients is already looking quite promising. I am also preparing the Metasysteme Coach Academy program for the 2010 year-end and spring 2011 with a good number of workshops, training and supervision programs to be delivered all over Europe in French and in English.
As usual, keep in mind that all these coach education programs are ACSTH validated by the international Coach Federation. What's more, these coach training programs are appreciated by a growing public for their short and focused length, their pertinent and systemic content, their very competitive price, and their exceptional quality. I feel truly blessed by all this recognition. and now, here is the menu:
In Paris and Lyon, and in French
The next Coaching Fundamentals cycle starts September 13-14 and ends in December. The following one will start January 2011. More centered on developing truly systemic coaches, this training program positions the art of coaching within an original, international, powerful and performing context. It targets all beginning and confirmed coaches who want to position the acquisition of coaching skills within an intimately and powerfully systemic frame of reference.
The Metacoacjh advanced workshops are programmed to be delivered throughout the year with the Delegated Processes workshop in October 2010, the Cubes/Risk Management workshop in January 2011, the Diagnosis workshop in April 2011, and the Breakthrough workshop in July. of the same year These workshops are delivered in French and online registration is possible on: the practical team-coaching tools they deliver, each of these two-day workshops provide an opportunity for each participant to discover numerous unexpected perspectives on how they can truly develop their professional coaching skills and posture.
The Paris Supervision group is an all time favorite for coaches of all levels, practicing their trade in a variety of very different types of markets. And it is truly amazing how much I learn accompanying other coaches in their quest for improvement. Thank you all to those who have participated in this cycle for the last ten years. The Lyon supervision group klck-off is programmed for January 2011.
In Madrid, in English and Spanish
Starting September 2011, we will be progressively offering a complete Metasysteme Coaching Academy program in Madrid, in both English and Spanish (mixed). This will be developed with Claude Arribas, PCC, and a local business partner in Madrid: I2C. This last June, I have already delivered an open conference in Madrid to launch the program, and Claude demonstrated the systemic supervision program he will be leading starting this September. Simultaneously, we will also start a Coaching Fundamentals course, and Metacoach advanced workshops will follow shortly after. For more information on this complete coach training program :
In Hamburg, in English
I love the city. And I will be delivering a Breakthough Process "Metacoach" workshop there this coming November 22 and 23. This workshop clearly demonstrates how team coaches can move beyond just working on relational processes to embrace team ambitions by accompanying teamwork on an organization's measurable operational ambitions. For more information on the workshop and to register for this intercultural event (participants come to Hamburg from all over Europe) consult Christina Quirin's website :
In Bucharest, in English
As in the past year, the whole Metasysteme Coaching Academy training program is offered in English in Bucharest, Romania by Metasysteme Coaching, a Romanian sister company. For the past three years, this company is actively participating in developing the coaching profession and community in this country. For more details and to register for any training or supervision program in Romania, consult:
So the 2010-2011 season is already looking great. But... it is still summer now, and soon time for us to take the next installment of our well earned vacation. I wish that you will also be able to use this time to regroup with friends and family, refocus on essentials, recenter yourselves on the true meaning of your life and profession, thoroughly refresh your minds and souls, and just plainly rest and recreate. And thank you again for your kind support of my development as a coach and for being present at my side during this past very eventful year.
P.S. :I have shared the surprise below on the Linkedin Metasysteme group. Hope you like it: