11 June 2014
Dear Friends
OK. Its high time to come out of the closet:
In 2015, my wife Geanina and I have been planning to take two months off to take the walk to Compostella, or more precisely to Finistera in Spain. It turns out that to achieve this walk in the traditional way, it will take us closer to three months. Indeed, the tradition stipulates that one starts the walking pilgrimage from where one lives, and we live in Paris; (For those who don't know: We plan a rate of about 25 kilometers per day. Consequently, we decided to walk from our home to the Pyrenees in 2005, and then walk the second Spanish half in 2016. That plan will allow for a little less than 45 days of hiking on medieval European pathways for each leg (so to speak) of the complete trip.
This project has been in my heart and soul for a number of years. It is now also in my mind, in a more active planning stage. We are gradually buying appropriate hiking equipment, reading up, and getting physically ready in sweat shops and by going on regular long walks wherever we happen to be.
As I am preparing this project, I am already realizing that whenever I have had an important personal project, my personal and material preparation has always provoked deep preliminary internal changes. I can also feel that the after-effects of this age-old quest will probably keep emerging for a long time after we will be done, and that will be after May 2016. Today, however, we still have ten months before we really kick it off!
So now you know

Professional Consequences
Obviously, my ongoing professional coach life will consequently need to be totally reconceived, reengineered, rescheduled and restructured for the next two years. This reshuffling has already started. So my work in France, Europe and Latin America will be organized accordingly.
Our first Mexico City systemic coaching training program for managers and coaches will be launched this July to end in October 2014: . This is a very practical, full nine training days on the core systemic coaching tools and presence. The frame of reference is presented in my e-book available on Amazon ( Know also that a Spanish translation of this last book is in the pipeline. Around this core program, complementary two-day workshops specifically focused on team and organizational coaching will also be offered.
The full Mexico program represents a total of eighteen days. It aims to build the beginning of a Latin America community of systemic coaches trained to the Metasysteme frame of reference and whole range of practical tools. This program is also ACSTH-validated by the ICF. It prepares participants to become powerful PCC and MCC–level professionals, not to mention ACCs. We subsequently plan to offer the same intensive training in other cities in North and South America, so keep in touch, and please support us by keeping your network in the loop.
For the systemic coaching network in Europe, the same training program will continue to be available in French in Paris, France: and in English in Bucharest, Romania: Easy registrations through the Metasysteme websites.
Available Resources
Many more short videos on systemic coaching as conceived and designed by Metasysteme Coaching will soon be available on my Youtube channel. Do not hesitate to register on the existing English-language library of videos that I have posted there. Don't miss the popular one on "the power silence in coaching": These videos illustrate the type of coach focus that is needed to develop truly systemic coach presence and awareness. On the same general subject, you may also want to read my latest article on coach vulnerability in:
I will accelerate some of my other professional projects (teasing) in order to finalize them before our first shared pilgrimage programmed for April and May 2015. Of course, some projects may also be put on the back burner in order to make time-space in our very active lives. Having planned this voyage sufficiently ahead of time, however, I will arrange to organize ample savailability for my faithful corporate clients.
To Conclude
AND I will become a grandfather again this coming December! AND also twice a grand uncle in the next eight months! Is this generational push linked to the above-mentioned quest in any way? That is no doubt a question to muse about over the coming years. In the meantime, may you all have an excellent summer. And thank you again for your faithful support and presence here.
Coachingly yours,