06 December 2015
Dear friends,
I hope you are all fine and healthy, and that your local environment is safe. It seems that wherever we are, globally related local events are getting us off focus. We may all think that what is happening next to us is exceptionnal, but with a little perspective, it seems all these local disturbances are connected to a major world-wide shift. On my end and in Paris, times have obviously been a bit emotionally and socially hectic, to say the least. But I am also aware that although Paris has been central in the news, especially ours, the same type of local disruption related to global transformations are going on in many other places.
Here, beyond the horror and fear, the dramatic terrorist events temporarily created a strong feeling of solidarity and a positive form of social awakening. And don't worry. Paris didn't change. Paris will always be Paris. The following weeks, the COP-21 display of ridicule, hollow statements, power plays and police violence, paradoxically pretending to prepare a better world future, also served to reveal why many anti-government movements surface in the first place. And terrorism.
Keeping my focus on what I do best to provoke change in my different local environments may be one of the ways for me to contribute. Maybe like me today, you are also:
- Gearing up to conclude what needs to be done by year-end,
- Looking forwayd to your year-end break, and maybe vacation
- Preparing for the first few months of 2016 in order to get the year off to a dynamic start.
So to keep you in the loop, here are short updates in these three areas:

To conclude this year
My French and English language online Self-Coaching journeys are improved, corrected and updated. The services have been repositioned to better fit a managerial frame of reference. The online experience proposes a series of short journeys during which participating managers (or coaches) are invited to make a series of consecutive choices. For a small fee, a PDF report is then churned out of a large data base.
The reports are based on a systemic conception of how current behavioral strategies fit into patterns that we repeat in many different fields of interest. Each one of us indeed displays similar collaborative patterns when we run meetings and projects, participate in relationships and teams, live our personal and professional lives, etc. The detailed reports often run over twenty pages offering feedback first as to your current successful strategies and less effective patterns and second, many options and solutions to achieve much better results with less effort.
So don't hesitate to embark on this online self-coaching journey!
Although I will continue to improve them over time, the above online services are now rolling. For those who have already tested it in the past and given me feedback, thank you so very much! It was very useful. Know that even if the online journey and questionnaire is now modified, you can still go back and retrieve updated and redesigned reports. Of course, you may still want to experience the new service, and check how you have evolved since.
In France, this improved service is online since September, and many coaches have tested it for themselves first, used it to coach each other, used it to reconnect with some of their old clients (an excellent way to revive an old relationship) and used it to refocus ongoing coaching contracts. Some managers have also used the Self-Coaching Journey to discuss team dynamics with their business parners or to share on their relationships with their life partners. Try it, and let me know how you react!
The next development step for this service is to provide teams with an equivalent online collective level of team self-coaching perspectives and options. In the near future, any group of eight or more members of a team or collaborative network will be able to also obtain detailed report on themselves and their system. This report will give the team a synthetic perspective on its actualized collective patterns and strategies on one hand, and on the other hand on a number of practical options they could implement, should they choose to develop differently.
Year-end vacation

Early 2016
In English, a number of open courses are planned, both for European and Romanian participants. For one, the now famous Metasysteme-Coaching Systemic Coaching Fundamentals for managers and coaches, will start January 25-26 in IASI and another February 22-23 in Bucharest. For trained systemic coaches, managers and entrepreneurs we have also programmed a follow-up environment in the form of a three-day Systemic Supervision Marathon, January18-19-20, also in Bucharest.
Also, a Systemic Diagnosis workshop for managers and coaches is programmed for March 17-18 in Bucharest This workshop indirectly focuses on the workings of the Self-Coaching Journey described above, providing a number of systemic tools to better accompany individuals, teams and organizations.
And then, off to our quest
And After that... we are not looking much farther than early April as we will then begin the second lap of our walk to Compostela. This 950 kilometer walking adventure will start where we left off on the French side of the Pyrenees, and take us accross into Spain and then west to the Atlantic shore, that we hope to reach by mid-May. If all goes well, of course.
This second half of the trip we started last year will conclude it, but will probably also prepare the begining of something else, that we can barely start to immagine. So we will keep those thoughts for our next newslettter.
Thank you all for your presence here, and do not hesitate to send me news of your own projects and lives. and do drop in when in Paris or Bucharest!
Take good care, and see you soon
Alain & Geanina