17 December 2017
Dear friends
It's been awhile since my last September newslettter. It's almost Christmas, 2018 is just around the corner, and it's about time! I've just been through one of my periodic series of Paoli effects: My three watches stopped ticking, my printer died, My computer was saturating, the CD drive is gasping, my Visa card went on strike, and to boot, I had a massive rhumatism attack. Boo-hoo!
Ok. I'll quit bitching!
2017 has actually been good to me. Our various projects and businesses are on a roll. Traveling has been stimulating, keeping our learning and curiosity on edge. Clients are challenging, keeping me on my toes, helping me stretch and innovate. I've been progressing as a coach, trainer, consultant, author and in my online projects. I have ample time to enjoy, for contemplation, to meet friends, to be available for whatever comes.
Besides, my three watches are now repared, I have bought both a new printer and an external drive, and cleaned-up my computer. My Visa card got back to work when I threatened it with replacement, and I feel I'm physically back on the saddle - one more week of work before vacation!
So here are a few more good news for 2018:
TRAVELS: We will continue our usual round trips between Paris and Bucharest, plus a few bouts to Turkey, Belgium, Spain, Moldavia, Slovakia, maybe farther to Lebanon and Argentina, should these last two projects firm up! For the time being, our professional trips concern few clients, with whom I have the pleasure of working on the longer term, in depth and friendship. Those are excellent condtions for me to stretch my growing edges.

NEW ARTICLES AND BOOKS: My current focus is on revisiting the twelve ICF core coaching competencies within the modern perspective of quantum mechanics and other associated theories. In other words, to innovate with clients and inspire my current coach students, I am adapting my acquired coaching skills to fit into a resolutely modern, post-Newtonian if not post Einstein perspective. Enlightening!
For those of you who have already experienced firsthand how my systemic coaching approach rests on a fractal or holographic awareness of reality, this is not new. Already, a few of my 2017 conferences have presented this perspective to a larger public. Three recent articles on my website specifically present progress in the area - and more are coming.
- Quantum coaching in space time warps
- Quantum coaching: Speed is of the essence
- Quantum coaching: Synchronicity, fractals and systemic coaching
All concern complementary quantum theory perceptual shifts that allow
for breakthrough innovation and very practical, powerful coaching.
As for new books, besides one that will most probably concern the above subject, I am currently mostly focused on preparing translations of my more recent texts into Spanish, French and English.
ONLINE RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT : This is ongoing work. To date, the most achieved project and the one that has most of my attention is the Online Self Coaching Quest for managers. In fact it also serves as an online self-supervision process for coaches. As a product, it is slowly spreading by word of mouth, often suggested to clients by systemic coaches who then follow-up with client debrief, focused on accompanying their achievements.
I am also developing at least four other online projects on 1) team meeting processes, 2) team effectiveness diagnosis, 3) systemic coach training 4) new prospect generation for systemic coaches. On very different levels of maturity, these are all in the pipeline. I don't want deadlines, so depending on my moods, my capacity to invest (IT) and the time on my hands, they all progress at their own pace.
As a resource, I will also soon post a few half-hour coaching demos on my Alain Cardon MCC YouTube Playlist. Although they may inspire individuals, their main object is to offer debrief opportunities for coaching schools and workshops. I take here the opportunity to thank and congratulate the supportive anonymous clients who have accepted to be recorded for the purpose.
I ritually like to start the year with a Risk Management/Cubes Workshop. So one is programmed for January 18-19 in Bucharest. It focuses on short and long time-span fractals in the way we manage our limits, our objects and projects, our environements and time, our careers and lives, our potentials and relationships, etc. Experiencing this intuitive and metaphorical workshop early January is an excellent way for me to refine or redefine my purpose for the coming year. And beyond.
The 30th Bucharest Systemic Coaching Fundamentals class will start January 22-23 to end in May. With an average of over 15 participants per promotion, over 500 managers, entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and other professionals will have learned coaching skills in this program, over the past 16 years. With another 500 in France, 1000 participants is quite a legacy! I am amazed to measure the longer term results that can be achieved by just focusing on the road immediately ahead, with constancy, every day.
And later in April, consider another 3-day Advanced-team and group-coaching workshop. Just reserved to those who have a good systemic-coaching foundation and want to stretch themselves, personally and professionally. This workshop is not validated ACSTH. Partcicpants can attempt to argue 21 CEEs by presenting the program along with their ICF 11 competency learnings.
As usual, other English-language workshops and supervision will continue to be posted for my European friends on the usual agenda web-site page, so check it once in awhile!
Of course, the above is just a partial list. On the medium term, I don't have much visibility on upcoming conferences and trips to client locations. We are also reserving more and more rest, recreation and freedom space to meander around and invite emerging client opportunities. Maybe you will choose to become one of them!
As usual, do not hesitate to pass on this letter to your friends and partners in life and work. Especialy to those who are yearning for new perspectives on what they do and who they are meant to become. I heavily rely on word of mouth!
And to conclude the year a wee bit early, may you have an excellent year end, great resourcing holidays, and a loving, heartful, sparkling, successful new year!
Joyfully, Alain