Approximately one year ago I have started the Metasysteme Coaching journey having as partner, guide and supporter Alain Cardon MCC . I was ready for what I was assuming that will come. This was not a training. It was a mind-blowing, body and soul changing experience.
If you would have asked me the typical question, how do you see yourself in one year from now?, I would have been far away from today's reality with my answer. It woke up my senses. My mind started sparkling, my spirit got younger and emotions flooded me like never before. It was the most intensive learning experience I was exposed to.
I have become a better manager, since I have learned to better manage energy, time, space and self. I have become a better leader, since I have reinvented myself while being more genuine, I am happier and more inspiring to others.I am a better father and husband since my child and my wife are smiling more and are merrier.This is my perception, I might be wrong, but it FEELS REALLY GOOD! Dragos Bohotineanu,
The Metasysteme Fundamentals has been the most powerful learning experience ever, that healed my mind and my soul in the most difficult period of my life. It allowed me the possibility to explore my patterns, my frame of reference, my strengths and weakness from totally different perspectives. I did it with much more courage, trust, pragmatism and future view than I knew I had. It helped me structure and reveal the best in me, making me believe I can do anything that is truly important for me, not only for “now”, but for my sustainable “future”. A whole horizon of options is now opened for me and I’m ready to take it. Raluca Avramescu
This training has been a life changing experience. If I had to name just 3 tangible outcomes i can directly attribute to the Fundamentals training and Alain Cardon they would be:
- The capacity to better see patterns to understand and engage my environment
- The capacity to balance focus and lack thereof, which enables me to accomplish goals with less perceived effort
- The capacity to delegate, renounce the need for control, and consequently gain an important amount of time, and paradoxically get more control over my day to day life
However, the shift in paradigm i experienced during this 3 month training is impossible to describe in words. So yes, i recommend this training to anyone wants to open to completely new perspectives." Paul Badea
You know it is an excellent training when you find yourself thinking about it all day. You know it is an excellent training when your clients and friends suddenly start telling you: “I don’t what you've been doing lately, but it is really really good. Things happen to me, things happen in me…and I see how all these things are coming from our work.”
You know you’ve met an excellent mentor & coach when you start asking yourself, in any situation, what would your mentor & coach say/ do in this situation, yet, at the same time, you have the confidence and know that, thanks to him, you yourself have all you need to say / do the right thing in the exact same situation …and you know you’re in the right training, when the training made each of us better professionals that all became good friends of an incredible community. Thank you Alain, from the bottom of my heart, for truly and fundamentally changing my life, both professionally & personally. Dana Maria Andrei
I’ve just finished the Fundamentals of Coaching training / Metasysteme Coaching with Alain Cardon: 4 intensive months working in the systemic dimension, applying truly intelligent, creative and fluid instruments allowing an already visible shift emerging within my professional and personal life. Long story short, this was a great learning experience for me! Thank you, Alain and thank you to all my colleagues for the wonderful training days and hours of practice exploring new and better places within myself. And keep in touch, of course! Amalia Ripea
Alain, I need to confess: I waited for 2 years before I could approach you and start training with you as a coach in 2009. I was that terrified! Now I know why: I was terrified of my own transformation that I may have not been ready for, at the time. Working with you is surely not for the faint-hearted or for the confort seeker. But once I dared to work with you, countless gifts started to flow in my personal and professional life. Every time I come in contact with you I am amazed at the depths of learning and the fun I have. The Supervision Marathon this week has been - again -a blast. Thank you so much - to you and all the beautiful people you attracted in the room. Casandra Bischoff
I have started the 2012 Fundamentals workshop in September and I was completely surprised. I expected an academic approach, a pretentious and somewhat intellectual - easy for me to navigate- training. It was anything but that. The information was there and it was extremely valuable and well organized but what I took out of the workshop was much, much more than learning about coaching.
The practice you have to do during in between the sessions completely changed my understanding of human beings, the way we interact, what we need, how we move and my relationship with time. The systemic approach is so powerful that even with the little experience we all had as coaches, I could see changes in myself and in my colleagues that I have never thought possible. Also, acquiring a client perspective and being able to discuss it freely with someone that had the same training as you is very useful for me now when presenting my services. It was a personal and collective journey of growth.
Alain encouraged us to practice while inviting us to renounce all that was not simple and emerging: all the intellectual pretense, the psychological analysis, the savior behavior that usually defines people in the business of helping others... He encouraged us to become minimalist and create a space or void where the client can evolve towards his or her desired outcomes. I started doing that in my life.
I started practicing immediately (I completed the workshop in December 2012 and I led my first team coaching on January 12th 2013) with a new confidence that I can face any difficulty that might arise. It was amazing to me to see emerge out of the process of my own clients things that were presented in the training. I was actually well prepared for this, and this gave me confidence to try new things, new clients, be creative and practice even more - as much out of curiosity to see what else will prove correct from what Alain taught as from anything else. The systemic dimension always comes out in these sessions and being taught how to use it to my client's benefit gives me confidence.
My passion is for team development, so I continued to take the specialized workshops (Delegative Processes, Diagnostics, etc) and each has given me another perspective on the approach to teams and people that I can immediately implement in my coaching practice.
Compared to all typical trainings I have attended in any field (usually informative and theoretical), Alain's approach encourages to explore the craft, be creative, invent new things, use your personality and your energy to be the best that you can be. It is not rigid (although it has clear structure) and it is liberating. Silviana Badea
Coaching Fundamentals is for me one big turning point in my life. Not only added a new profession to what I was doing but it significantly impacted the way I was performing the other two "jobs": trainer and manager. The main process that started during my first day of learning coaching was to understand myself and accept who I am. It was not immediately obvious to me and it took 3 years to accept what I discovered about myself and start changing some habits into other, healthier habits.
By learning coaching and observing Alain as trainer of coaches, I learned and practiced how to manage groups more effectively by looking at the systems rather than at details. It was measurable for me in terms of constant successful delivery of workshops, increasing my personal revenue and better feedback from participants. As trainer, I learned a lot about how to manage individuals and groups, about how to delegate more to and increase accountability of participants during the learning process. I became more delegating and challenging as a trainer. As manager, attending the fundamentals helped me become more results driven in relation with my direct reports and the whole team.
The most interesting journey is the one of becoming a coach. In the beginning I resisted the change and unconsciously practiced not being present in a process which requires the coach to be present. For me this education worked at a different speed: the big "Aha's!" came months and years later, during practice as coach although I wished for it to happen overnight. The apparent lack of a structure and system when learning coaching became clear for me later, when I started practicing being present and follow my intuition. But this can't be explained. It needs practice.
Six years later I still remember and practice what I learned but looking through a different "lens". What completed my coaching training was the supervision process, which I consider a necessary step in sustaining the learning and practice of coaching. The results of this double education - Fundamentals and Supervision - allowed me to move towards getting a credential from International Coach Federation (ICF) and move from 5 to 20 % of my income from coaching, taking into account that I was also salesman, trainer and manager.
For whoever ponders whether to attend or not the Coaching Fundamentals, I invite him/her to take into account that it's the highest quality education in coaching available on the Romanian market at a fair price. Next to that, you don't become an expert in theories and writing essays, you become a practitioner in coaching. Last but not least, it a quick transformational process of only 4 months (for the start of your journey) so I believe it's adapted to our continuously changing reality. Rares Manolescu, Coach & trainer
On a personal matter, the effect was even more important and I learnt what active listening means and how much it can bring. Though I perceived i have excellent relationships with my friends and family, I can still say that it took them to a higher level. Congratulations once again. Walid Abboud, Sensiblu, A&D Pharma, Mediplus...
Raccomanderei a chiunque di seguire un corso di coaching; suggerirei a coloro i quali non hanno paura di mettersi in gioco di formarsi con Alain Cardon, senza dubbio uno dei professionisti più trasparenti, preparati e rispettati. Se davvero si investe per imparare qualcosa, qualsiasi cosa, vale la pena andare dal migliore. Alain Cardon,nel suo campo, è il migliore. Edoardo Ghignone
I would like to tell you that this training was a great learning experience for me. It shaked more of my frames of refference, but especially one. There are some persons, close to me, who told me that I am used to tell my opinions like universal trues that can not be doubt. It was a big challenge for me to not be allowed to intervene with my personal opinions, ideas or suggestions during the coaching process. As I begun to apply coaching skills in my day-to-day life, I have noticed that my relationships with the others improved. I am no long so "categoric" and this is a major change for me.
I very much appreciate the course support (Toolbox I-IV). On my opinion, it is the essence of principles and techniques needed for coaching. I intend to read it once per month or two months, to refresh and to "discover" more useful tools, better integrated with my practice. Carmen Copindean