20 August 2018
Dear friends
To immediately begin with our legal GDPR conformity obligations, if you no longer want to receive this newsletter, you can very simply unsubscribe with a click on the link at the bottom of this page. Done! Now, I can proceed to share my current internal weather report.
My summer vacation personal climate has been very mellow, to say the least: after a hyperactive month of July, fifteen resting days in Spain made room for a much slower rhythm. This really helped repair my sprained ankle, actually a torn ligament. It will need at least another month to heal! Two daily hours of yoga for twelve consecutive days also helped me recover a reasonable degree of physical suppleness and a much needed meditative space.
More internally for the past few months, I’ve experienced a nagging, persistent feeling of uncertainty, without any clear reason or question to support such an uncomfortable state of being. In the past, I’ve always intuitively felt and followed a rather precise personal compass. So this loss of obvious personal purpose or longer-term direction is surprising, almost foreign to me.
Today, I still have that same underlying impression of void as to my fundamental aspirations. This summer is ending much the same way it begun, with a limping, hesitating stride, feeling my way around within a rather strange internal environment. No worry though! With a healthy distance, I’m also observing this unusual form of letting go, and having my “sardonic” (to quote a friend) sense of humor toy with my discomfort!
Paradoxically, business is booming: acquired clients are spontaneously asking for more, and new prospects regularly emerge, often referenced by their peers. Most know how to focus on their real challenges, and our partnerships are usually committed and fruitful. On a daily basis, I consequently get great pleasure accompanying individuals and teams, while they strive to achieve their goals. In a nutshell, in spite of my personal doubts, my professional activities are amazingly motivating and stabilizing.
My coach training and supervision business is also quite successful. Beyond my core French and Romanian markets, the international aura of our systemic approach is spreading to other East European countries and towards Latin America. I consequently need to make choices in order to limit my engagements. In the background, my books translated into ROMANIAN, Spanish and English on KINDLE (Search for: Alain Cardon MCC) continue to sell and YOUTUBE (Alain Cardon MCC, again) shorts and longer videos continue to interest international viewers.
Furthermore, on top of delivering occasional conferences for the ICF and other associations, universities and coaching schools, I am expanding my volunteer work to accompany CONCORDIA: an Austrian "niche" or "boutique" NGO that is active in East Europe, helping with the social re-insertion of disfavored, abandoned and refugee children. Their care to cost ratio is outstanding. Incidentally, you can also send them your DONATIONS! This promising adventure will surely expand my coaching horizons.
Consequently, my next ten months are well programmed, including needed time off for leisure and personal life balance. So I have enough to keep me busy while I clarify my doubts, or at least transform them into more precise pertinent questions. And my head tells me “It’s the 70’s passage! It is far from over! It will work you for much more than just a few short months! The most important part is yet to come!" Conclusion: it is time for patience, personal attention… and an occasional glass of good wine!

Projected Conferences and talks
As far as my coming « speaker » commitments are concerned, I can already disclose a few dates :
ONLINE: Conferences September 10 for ICF Argentina, September 12 for Desafio Coaching 30 Dias (Hispanic countries), January 16 2019 for ICF-SYNERGIE (French - Belgium), March 4, 2019 for ICF Moscow... and I’m sure there’ll be others.
ON LOCATION: I will participate in two round-tables in Belgium September 15 for COACH AND TEAM (coaching school alumni), in a conference in IASI, Romania, Octobre 4, and another at the Buenos Aires University, November 15.
Coach Training
For one more year I will pursue my Metasysteme Coaching coach and manager-training and supervision engagements, on the one hand in French in PARIS AND BRUSSELS and on the other hand in English in Bucharest and Buenos Aires (see further below). And as in the past, I will need all your networking support and word-of-mouth to help these become successes, so please, spread the word!.
As of today in Bucharest, the next FUNDAMENTALS OF SYSTEMIC COACHING programmed to start September 24-25 is almost full. So no need to underline that this is really our core, landmark manager and coach development program! It has been central in the development of a strong systemic coaching and management community in Romania and France! Don't stress if you can't make it this time, as we have opened registrations for the following Spring 2019npromotion, due to start inJanuary.
In BUENOS AIRES, we are a offering the three following options: A two-day Systemic Coaching Supervision Marathon for trained coaches November 16-17, For managers, beginning and confirmed coaches, a three-day introduction to the Fundamentals of Systemic Coaching November 19-20-21, and a two-day Risk Management/Cubes workshop. You can choose one or attend all three, but that last option will really be an intense learning adventure! This program is organized by Fernanda Bustos (
And in Bucharest, do come to a two-day workshop on October 29-30 on the DELEGATED PROCESSES for managers and coaches. You will learn to implement Metasysteme’s core team and organizational coaching strategies. The content concerns both how to accompany culture transformational issues and how to prepare collective systems to achieve breakthrough operational results. In the case of organizational coaching, this approach allows simultaneous work with up to 80 top managers for three consecutive days. Very performing!
In Bucharest, on December 6-7-8, 2018, also consider a three-day systemic coaching SUPERVISION MARATHON. It is tailored to revive and sharpen trained coaches’ systemic coaching and leadership skills in order to deliver more performing client ROI (and prepare for different levels of ICF certification).
As usual, all these manager and coach training programs are ACSTH or validated by the ICF. They provide accredited coach-specific training hours to pass or renew your ICF certifications.
Although nearing the end of my 43-year training, consulting and coaching career, I am increasingly solicited to accompany executive teams, organizations, leaders, entrepreneurs, etc. Their measurable strategic goals always cover both fundamental management and culture transformational issues AND the need to realize exceptional operational ambitions. I am proud to say that our systemic coaching approach repeatedly help clients achieve more than their expected ROI in BOTH these dimensions.
Mainly solicited in the European arena, in France and Romania, the Czech and Moldavian Republics, in Slovakia and Turkey, etc. our clients increasingly call us to accompany them on EMEA or international levels of responsibility. Consequently, I am proud to witness that the results of our partnerships affect more consequential organizational perimeters.
Furthermore, our first fully digital service, the ONLINE SELF-COACHING JOURNEY for managers (and self-supervision process for coaches) is gradually attracting a much larger international audience. The next level that will boost this service to a team and network-coaching level is (very slowly) being developed.
And for now…
It is clear to me now and in the near future that I will continue to contribute as in the past (although I have constantly developed beyond my past effectiveness and pertinence). This will keep me busy, at least until I inch through my current, rather hazy passage, and really clarify or refresh my personal longer-term purpose.
To do this, I very luckily have GEANINA’S and close family support, very faithful friends, an extended international network, and genuinely great clients. For this, I thank you all!
With all my heart, I remain sincerely yours. Alain