11 April 2021
Dear friends
While our social, political and professional are marks constantly being reshuffled, I still wish you un-fledging happiness. It is indeed rather difficult for each one of us to keep an even keel these days, but Geanina and I are succeeding without too much stress. Early March, My wife broke her arm, and I turned 72. In our own ways, we are now both recuperating. Affected by a fire, the Metasysteme-Coaching website has been down for almost a whole month, and is now back online. That has made big dent in our business flow! In the same period numerous appliances have broken… and are now repaired or replaced! So as they say, s**t happens… and is dealt with! Note that we have also managed to go on a great island Christmas and new year vacation in the Indian Ocean, and to go snow-shoeing in the Alps. Magical!
So this year feels like life on a roller-coaster! As much as for many of you no doubt, we are poised to face whatever is coming. We need to be brave foot soldiers in this world of regularly emerging uncertainties, both good and bad!. With the COVID-19-20-21, the new going buzz-word is resilience. So in stride until and into 2022, we are ready to face each day’s joys and challenges.
For the past twelve months, most our traveling routine has also come to a standstill. I have since refocused my attention inwards, to my core personal and professional fundamentals. For me, this imposed introversion has brought me back to writing, passionately. So I have been revisiting and transmitting what could be considered my systemic coach legacy. Following the six NEW books published on AMAZON and Kindle in the past twelve months, I still have more, new writing projects. That’s a teaser, and I will let you know as they emerge!
Among the ones already available in English: one on Systemic coaching powerful questioning strategies. One is on manipulative games coaches and clients play. One can stretch your mind on quantum perspectives in systemic coaching. For a complete list of my 21 available titles and 37 versions in five languages, consult the (I think) complete bibliography.
As for coaching clients in the past year, I have focused mostly on the operating principles and skills already covered in Metasysteme’s Delegated Processes to accompany team effectiveness when working in online meetings, mainly on ZOOM. I have had the pleasure of experiencing wonderfully intense, almost intimate opportunities while coaching teams as they WFH (work from home). Together, we have discovered a really innovating form of fluid elegance, never experienced before when on location. DEEP team-coaching online is a totally exceptional experience. Most probably, the fact that I’ve almost totally transformed my professional life to online work has really served to train me in this arena. Should you have organizational needs in this field, please do not hesitate to ZOOM me!
Paris spring blossoms

Coach and management training
In a chronological order:
ONLINE: The next systemic manager and coach advanced workshop on individual, team and organizational pattern diagnosis and change management is coming soon, April 29-30 2021. This practical learning experience is focused on how to recognize and shed old ineffective habits and develop more successful individual and collective behavioral patterns, in order to achieve much better results no matter in what area or sequence of our lives. Consequently in this systemic perspective, in order to change individually or as a culture, this workshop pinpoints how to recognize and modify our behavioral patterns.
The systemic coaching « BREAKTHROUGH » workshop is programmed for June 14-15, if possible on location in Bucharest. It adresses how to radically innovate in quality, sales, investments, time to market, etc. including in more personal fields of concern. The work is practical, offering participants the opportunity to experience measurable breakthroughs in the personal or professional area of their choice. Many choose a financial perspective that allows them to boost their business models and double their results within a year! It’s not magic, but just good coach thinking and actionable, very motivating planning!
Maybe starting on location in Bucharest, maybe online afterwards… the next SYSTEMIC COACHING FUNDAMENTALS, is our core landmark coach-training program. It is to begin September 16-17 and end December 8-9-10 2021. It allows for over 40 hours of coaching practice plus almost as much professional feedback per participants. In other words, it offers a hands-on, practical, behavioral, linguistic, learning architecture that ensures the development of top-quality international coaches. Over the past 15 years, this training program’s reputation has become firmly established! Ask around!
Incidentally, for Latin America, an equivalent Systemic Coaching Fundamentals program in English, (with simulatneous translation and practice in Spanish) is also offered online, starting May 20-21, to end September 1-2-3.
Although they can be experienced as independent learning experiences, the September 20-21, 2021 DELEGATED PROCESSES workshop and September 22-23-24 SUPERVISION MARATHON are two other parts of Metasysteme-coaching’s team and organizational systemic coaching METACOACH ACSTH program. The first such ICF-validated program ever, created in 2005 and rolling since!
Thank you !
For your continued presence, friendship, visible and invisible support and interest in our ongoing work. Even at a distance, although clearly missing opportunities for physical proximity, it seems clear that we are all part of a strong, lasting and growing community. We both measure now that in spite of COVID and other life and health harassments, every small parcel of friendship can still be savored and cherished.
Lovingly, Alain and Geanina
Ps: Do no hesitate to inform your friends and networks about our ongoing programs