11 January 2025

Dear Friends

First and Foremost, we wish you a wonderful new year, with deep inspiration, tender love, solid friendships, excellent health and success in all your endeavors. 

Also, when I consider the recent onslaught of destabilizing political, climatic, social and economic events world-wide, we also wish you to stay safe, and to have all the resilience you may need should difficulties come your way !


In order to synthetically share information on upcoming activities, our professional new year has already started with a big bang, both in France and online.

We will soon head for Romania, for almost a full month of work and play, both locally and online.

Romania, and Tunisia

Bucharest January 30 : A one-day masterclass on the Thirteen Senses for Systemic Coaching.  It will be focused on the core masterful coaching skills that we all have : a much wider range of sensory skills that we were never formally taught to take into account, much the contrary !  Come prepared to participate in several exploratory exercises and learn more about your deeper preferred senses, about those you unfortunately do not really use, and about how to access your intuition and lots more.  Organized by Raluca Culda, LinkedIn post :

Bucharest January 31-February 1 : A two-day systemic workshop on our risk management patterns. Those that deeply influence how we run our projects, careers and lives, how we attempt to achieve our goals and ambitions, how we relate, compete, support, succeed, and sometimes not, etc…    Come to discover how all these themes are connected, by underlying systemic patterns.  This workshop is already quite full, so don’t wait too long !  Incidentally, another similar risk-management workshop programmed for February 3-4 is totally sold out since last year.

Bucharest February 6-7 : Marks the start of our spring « Systemic Coaching Fundamentals » learning adventure that will end May 5-6-7, 2025.  This is our core systemic coach-training program, that since 2007 has trained many of the best coaches in Romania and beyond.  The Romanian alumni community of entrepreneurs and coaches from this program includes over 500 members.  They will soon - this spring - be offered an alumni-connecting and selling platform (teasing).  This "Fundamentals" program is known to be intense if not transformational, necessitating a deep and authentic commitment to one’s own development.  So don’t hesitate to call for information and sign up.

ONLINE, March 3-4 marks the start of our international « METACOACH » systemic team and organizational coach-training program.  Tailored for developing teams and networks as well as individual entrepreneurs, managers and coaches.  This intensive 9-day program deep-dives into process patterns or constellation forms that act as the fabric of all our collective endeavors, in our families, teams, friendships and networks.  Expect fundamental work on your own inner alignment and way of being.  This very practically prepares you to coach teams, networks, organizations and other complex systems.  Optionally, core teams of 3-5 participants often attend together to reboot their real collective team processes and ambitions.

Tunisia February 10-16 : We'll be off for a quick round-way trip to Tunis, to deliver a conference and a one-day master class. And some intense conversations and sight seeing with local friends, of course.

During this month are also programmed five days (2+3) of internal work with a Romanian start-up that has grown to over 180 employees in two years.  And I’m happy to say that other team and organizational programs of the sort are "in the pipe" with several Romanian companies!

Gambrinus  after works :

(If you want to meet to celebrate the new year and coming spring… you are welcome on any evening(s) on January 31, February 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7 !   We’ll be there to unwind after hard days of intensive work.  (You know me !) So do not hesitate to come and mingle and meet with the growing community !

So that’s the news for this new year beginning.  And again may you all have a wonderful 2025 !

Geanina and Alain